Thursday, December 12, 2013

Audience With the Pope

   Yesterday we had the privilege of sitting right next to the stage during the Audience With the Pope.  This was my second time seeing the Pope in person, but being so close to him made it that much more exciting.  Crowds of people gathered from all over the world to hear what the Pope had to say this Wednesday.  Cardinals and Bishops who spoke various languages welcomed all of the groups who pilgrimed to the Vatican to see the Pope.  We cheered loudly when they welcomed our group from DePaul University.  The Pope sat on a small white stage in a big white chair.  A large wooden crucifix was placed next to him and large white pillars blocked my view just a bit.  I was eager to hear what the Pope would say, in the midst of Advent I predicted it would be something along the lines of reflecting on Jesus' birth and life, or about giving and selflessness.  Much to my surprise, Pope Francis' talked about the Last Judgement.  He said to not be afraid of the Last Judgement, in a nutshell.  He also said that anyone who believes in Christ will not be condemned.

    I thought this was an interesting topic, seeing as we had many lectures and on site visits that displayed the Last Judgement mostly in artistic ways.  For example, at the Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio the large fresco painted on the nave of the church displayed a detailed Last Judgement portrayal.  As I posted in the earlier blog, the fresco's main idea was to tell us that dying should not be looked at as a scary thing.  If you live well, you will die well.  I believe this is what Pope Francis was telling us at the audience on Wednesday.  If you are a believer in Christ, follow His teachings, and live a good life, you will be accepted into Heaven.  Another interesting connection is that Pope Francis is a Jesuit just like St. Ignatius of Loyola.  His idea of living well and dying well and not fearing the Last Judgement corresponds with the fresco in St. Ignatius's church here in Rome.

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